Saturday, October 8, 2011

Long Story, Short...

I went to the Parachute concert at Callaway Gardens last night. Amazing amazing experience. 90 minutes of pure love. Pure talent. Pure genius. They just make me so unbelievable happy. Happier than I normally am. And it's so...comforting. They're so real. And such nice people. No meet n' greet. But we still went to the side of the stage. And Will came out to say hi. I told him about how I've raised $600+ for Give Hope: RSD and he said he still has the wristband in his house :] and told me great job. Then I told him about brochachos, and he said "Nice! High-five just for that!" and my life was made. (Thank you J, for your amazing word). And we met these three other fans and became buds. It was just an amazing night. And I want to live it over and over again.
